How to Change Your Mind
Our world today desperately needs wisdom, the freedom and the willingness to respond to reality truthfully and completely.
Our world today desperately needs wisdom, the freedom and the willingness to respond to reality truthfully and completely.
While Matthew, Mark and Luke testify to a future fulfillment for which we are to prepare ourselves by coming together into a new community, John’s Gospel says that the fulfillment has already come, and we only need to believe in order to enter into the new reality, which is eternal life for those who believe.
Jesus says, where will we get the money? And this poor little boy walks up and pours out everything he has.
The Jesus that left Nazareth for John the Baptist and the Jordan was not the same Jesus who came back.
We have to make ourselves as small as possible, so that God can be great in us. Taking up our cross is to take up God’s will for us and let go our will for ourselves.
God judges us according to one measure: our desire to know and do his will.
It is the simple joy of being alive forever, right this minute. It is the sense that whatever comes along, it’s just part of the glorious thrill ride of life God has given us, and don’t worry, we all end up safe at home in the end.
This is our testimony, an announcement that anyone, anyone at all, can have the joy of resurrection life.
Worship Service Every Sunday at 10AM
Philippi Christian Church
17276 General Puller Hwy, Deltaville, Virginia 23043